Career Coaching

Picture of person running onto the word promotion, going upward.

Think You’re Overqualified Because Your Bored at Your Job?

According to a 2023 Gallup Poll, “68% of employees believe they are overqualified for their current job”. Remember, just because you’ve become bored with a job doesn’t make you overqualified. Doing the same thing day after day can be boring, but it doesn’t make you ready for the next level, necessarily. So, what can you

Think You’re Overqualified Because Your Bored at Your Job? Read More »

Image of people in front of giant resume trying to find information about candidate.

Using Graphics and Images on Resumes

Resume Writing Tip: Be careful utilizing images and graphics on your resume. While they may make your resume look great, they can impact its scan-ability in the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). From hiding information that the scanning system needs to see (without you knowing it), to making the file so large the system cannot take

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It's All About Control

It’s All About Control

It was National Employee Appreciation Day last month, but you can’t tell.  While individuals are increasingly seeking a better balance in their work, companies are pushing back.  Despite the fact things changed permanently after March of 2020, many corporations haven’t recognized this reality.  All that wonderful talk about taking care of people has been replaced

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Seven Reasons You Didn't Get Promoted, and What to Do Next


Thank you to HerMoney Magazine and Rena Philips for another terrific interview. This time I was discussing the reasons why someone might not be promoted, and how to handle it. Below is a portion of the article, with one of the quotes followed by the article link: YOU HAVEN’T TAKEN ENOUGH CREDIT FOR THE GREAT


15 Key Lessons Coaches Learned From Working With Their Own Coaches

15 Key Lessons Coaches Learned From Working With Their Own Coaches

I was recently featured in this Forbes Coaches Council/Forbes Online post. My contribution is Expert Tip #3. 3. Market Your Way Through The Tough Times Early on in my business, a mentor shared that coaches should market their way through the tough times and invest heavily in no-cost or low-cost marketing! She said to write

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Ghosting, Ghosting, and more Ghosting: The Why’s

Ghosting, Ghosting, and more Ghosting:  The Why’s

In keeping with the Halloween season, let’s discuss the why’s behind so much ghosting, and a couple of tips to help you weather that storm. After all, when you know it is going to happen, and have some strategies to deal with it, you will be better able to move forward in your search. Some

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Why You Don’t Hear Back from External Recruiters and Headhunters

This is a common issue with recruiters, who mean well, but are forced to be salespeople, recruitment experts, and client managers simultaneously. This results in a high stress environment, and a customer/potential customer (the company hiring) focus. I recommend retained search firms to my clients, and let the client know ahead of time that recruiter

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September is Update Your Resume Month

September is Update Your Resume Month

Our industry is celebrating its annual International Update Your Resume Month this September.  However, I am here to tell you that every month should be Update Your Resume Month, because keeping track of your career successes should be a regular part of your monthly tasks.  If you only do this once a year, when it

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