AI and Interview Privacy Concerns

A current conversation thread and post by Riva Gold on LinkedIn prompted my comment. Here is the post I shared on whether to participate in AI interviews, or not, and the concerns you should have about them? While the type of interview described in the original post below could be done person-to-person, this is most often done by AI, and the recording is disseminated among interviewers. It doesn’t remove bias, particularly when done via video, and it doesn’t protect the candidate in any way.

I actually advise my clients to consider this type of interview very carefully. From the AI interview being impersonal to the many privacy issues, it is problematic on multiple fronts. Furthermore, while numerous organizations will have you sign away all your rights to the interview content, you will not have a guarantee of how the information is used or the security of the video. I support my clients regardless of decision – to participate, or to turn the interview down. I also ask them to ponder the following question: If they can’t take the time to interview you personally, how will they be as an employer?

Based on:  Meet the one-way job interview

By Riva Gold, Editor at LinkedIn News

The pandemic is not just moving more job interviews online – some are even taking place without a human on the employer side. Companies and recruiters are increasingly using asynchronous video interview (AVI) platforms such as HireVue in the U.S., Toronto’s Knockri and Moncton-based VidCruiter, which ask candidates to record answers to their questions, the CBC reports. The use of such one-way interviews can make interview scheduling easier, allow for responses to be shared across teams and cut travel costs for candidates, but also risk bias and privacy concerns.