How Long Should You Have To Consider A Job Offer?

The Job Seekers Preference, a picture posted for an article on How Long You Should Have to Decide On Taking a Job.

I saw an article today discussing how long you should take to consider a job offer, and wanted to put forth a few thoughts.  First, never be pressured on the spot at an interview to take a job, that is a huge warning sign that something is wrong in the organization.  If they can’t wait for a couple of days for you to make the decision, then you don’t want to work for them.

Second, an acceptable or common time period is “over a weekend” or at least two to three days, and many organizations give as much as a week.  Needing a great deal more time on your part means that you have an issue with their offer, or something may be making you uncomfortable.  In that case, the answer from you should likely be NO!  Remember, it’s your preference to take the job, so the ball is in your court, and you have the power to say yes, or no.