Time Management Tip: Try Time Chunking

Set of clocks as gears working together, all set to different times.

People often ask how I organize my time since I have a bit of a crazy schedule. From owning a full-time business, to public speaking, to being my church’s choir director, to volunteering and/or holding board memberships on multiple committees/boards around the Kansas City area, and helping out on my church’s website and social media, I use a combination of both lists and time-boxing (I call it time chunking). It works well to keep track of everything on your list, while devoting specific sets of time to get them done.

Everyone is different, and for some a list is enough, for some the time-boxing works great, and for others, probably most people, an amalgamation of the two keeps them on track. Whichever path you choose to try, give it enough time to see if it really works for you. Six weeks to two months is usually a good time frame and establishes a habit. Remember, you can always switch to a different tactic, but choose now to create a better habit, and get things done!

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