A January 5th, 2021 Forbes Coaches Council / Forbes Online article on “Landing Your Dream Job” prompted a response. I have included a link to the full article at the bottom, and the article introduction and my quote (#5) below.
No matter how out of reach it might seem, most professionals have a dream job. Of course, having a dream and pursuing a dream are two different things. If you don’t approach the attainment of a dream intentionally, taking incremental steps toward achieving goals that move you closer to realizing it, then the dream is nothing more than a wish. To make it a reality, what should your first step be?
The experts of Forbes Coaches Council know the importance of planning and taking small, actionable steps each day to reach an ideal position. Below, 10 coaches share simple things you can start doing today to land the job you dream of having someday.
5. Reframe Your Expectations
Reframe your expectation of a “dream job,” which ensures disappointment when inevitable imperfections ruin the fantasy. Instead, focus on the many great jobs with wonderful work environments that are available, including the one you want the most. Set realistic goals, including writing an updated resume and cover letter. You never know when a job will appear for application, so be ready! – Karen Silins, A+ Career & Resume, LLC