Career Coaching

September is Update Your Resume Month

September is Update Your Resume Month

Our industry is celebrating its annual International Update Your Resume Month this September.  However, I am here to tell you that every month should be Update Your Resume Month, because keeping track of your career successes should be a regular part of your monthly tasks.  If you only do this once a year, when it […]

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Companies complain they are bleeding experienced employees, or laughing off the exodus by saying it’s just part of the Great Migration.  If you are seeing this happen in your company, ask yourself some serious questions, and stop making assumptions.  Every talented employee is a loss of productivity, innovation, brain trust, and good will.  How long


Job Search

Is Your Technology Stopping Your Search in Its Tracks?

Expect everyone to text you? Rarely listen to real voicemail messages? Utilizing voice-to-text or text-to-voice technology to screen your calls (those are some unusual messages)? Well, you are losing out on REAL interviews that could lead to REAL jobs, from REAL companies. While I often write about challenges of the jobseeker, this one is about how

Is Your Technology Stopping Your Search in Its Tracks? Read More »

Work-Life Balance

The Ideal Work-Life Balance: Companies that are Getting It Right!

Thank you to Casandra Andrews and for my latest interview with their publication. Here is the article in its entirety: Here’s how some companies are helping staff members strike a healthy balance between home life and their jobs. There’s nothing like living through nearly two years of a global health pandemic — with much

The Ideal Work-Life Balance: Companies that are Getting It Right! Read More »

Forbes Coaches Council

Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs That A Job Isn’t The Right Fit

With the “Great Resignation” in full swing, many are considering just why they might resign from a job and what to watch out for in their current work environment. This Forbes Coaches Council Experts Article details nine warning signs. My suggestion is #2, and the link to the full article is below. 2. Feeling Anxious

Don’t Ignore These Warning Signs That A Job Isn’t The Right Fit Read More »

One Page Resume

Career Income Jump Summit: Participant Tips for Job Search Success

If you’re coming here after hearing me speak at Career Income Jump Summit, thank you. Here are a couple of excerpts from my presentation to help you in your job search. To truly have job search success, you must be both tenacious and optimistic.  However, there are times when the most determined jobseeker can struggle

Career Income Jump Summit: Participant Tips for Job Search Success Read More »