An article on cleaning your desk started a conversation on LinkedIn, and I chimed in – below is my response. I think you will find this helpful in creating more time for yourself, while still getting cleaning done. This applies to your career, business, job search, and personal life.
This is so true – if your office in general is a mess, you create chaos around you. The same goes with your home. When you clean and straighten, reduce clutter, and clear areas and/or let go of items, it lifts your spirits, often means a worthy organization gets donations, and calms the mind. All of this means more productivity, better sleep, and a more joyful attitude. Don’t try to tackle it all at once, as the overwhelm will be debilitating, and instead start small, chunking time. Go through a box of paperwork you have collected and sort, go through half of your clothes in the closet and reduce and donate, straighten one-half of your desk (perhaps the front half closest to you), and that success will propel you to do more. Each time you see progress, you will want more, and those small amounts of time (15-30 minutes each, even two or three times a day if you would like) will produce more fruit. Continue to set short appointments for yourself daily to tackle the issue and you will have a clean and organized space in no time.