Should You Automate Your Job Search with AI?

Image of connectors for AI in various tones of blue, teal, and pink.

In an answer – NO! I am definitely a proponent of AI in many areas, including research, but always caution to trust but verify what it gives you. However, it creates disaster for the job seeker, HR, and the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). From having numerous resumes and cover letters now looking eerily similar or the same, to made up information from AI, to automatically posting to every job under the sun, it’s havoc for HR. AI is not the answer to the job search! Furthermore, most ATS systems don’t really incorporate it as much as we believe on their end (if at all) for the application process.

When you automate your posting to job ads online, you no longer tailor your resume or cover letter appropriately to the job. AI doesn’t know your experience, and it doesn’t know what to ask to find out. You understand what you bring to the table and how it applies to the advertised job. You are the best person to tailor your resume. Trying to game the system doesn’t work, no matter the ridiculous false claims online, and often these tactics get you kicked out of the ATS, and possibly blocked from applying in the future. Do the work yourself going forward in your job search and tailoring of your resume and cover letter for the application process, it will pay the wonderful dividend of a new job!