Career Coaching

What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume?

What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume?

I found the above picture yesterday in a search for graphics, and it immediately struck me as perfect for my article. While everyone writing their resume is doing so in earnest and with the best information they have, often the person writing it may have received bad resume advice from friends and family, used poorly […]

What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume? Read More »

What Experts Wish Their Bosses Had Known About Talent Management

What Experts Wish Their Bosses Had Known About Talent Management

Recently MarTechExec contacted me about a Talent Management article they were preparing concerning development of leaders in an organization.  Below you will find my answer for the article and a link to it as well with other experts chiming in on their thoughts. “The very first thing I tell client companies and executive coaching clientele

What Experts Wish Their Bosses Had Known About Talent Management Read More »

6 Career Coaches

6 Career Coaches Share How To Discover Your Passion

I was delighted to participate in a colleague’s recent “experts article” as a career coach, on “how to discover your career passion.”  I have included my part of the article and a link to the full article below: “First, have the job seeker go through an exercise that is very revealing and can detect patterns

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The Dream Career Conundrum

The Dream Career Conundrum

Every week I receive multiple calls as a career coach from people wanting to find their “dream career” or “what they are meant to do for the rest of their life.”  While some people do have a career calling, most people actually have several potential careers that would give them great satisfaction, provide decent income,

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The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves (Part Two)

The Beatings will continue until Morale Improves! (Part Two)

In part two of my article series we tackle the following: –50+ hour workweeks. –Mandatory overtime. –24/7 on-call employees via cell phone access. –Irrational investor and stockholder indebtedness. –Ludicrous employee engagement initiatives that treat staff like children instead of motivating towards increased performance and the understanding of how their work benefits the client. Corporate America,

The Beatings will continue until Morale Improves! (Part Two) Read More »

The Beatings will continue until Moral Improves! (Part One)

The Beatings will continue until Morale Improves! (Part One)

  Okay, I am about to seriously irritate some executives and other corporate/institutional higher-up, but let’s start to talk about the true issues surrounding Employee Engagement and the farce it has become.  Yes, there is the rare company taking it very seriously, but for the most part it is window dressing that sounds good on

The Beatings will continue until Morale Improves! (Part One) Read More »