
The Beatings will continue until Moral Improves! (Part One)

The Beatings will continue until Morale Improves! (Part One)

  Okay, I am about to seriously irritate some executives and other corporate/institutional higher-up, but let’s start to talk about the true issues surrounding Employee Engagement and the farce it has become.  Yes, there is the rare company taking it very seriously, but for the most part it is window dressing that sounds good on

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Respect the Jobseeker’s Valuable Time

Whether my clients are discussing their frustrations with the current job search environment, or seminar, workshop and career fair attendees are venting, some complaints remain constant, and one of those complaints is “why are companies wasting my time?”  I know organizations are busier than ever, and employee and management hours have increased, but if you

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Social Media, the Golden Rule, Your Job Search (and Career)

Daily I will admit shock at the posts I see on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and other social media.  This doesn’t even include blogs, articles (posted remarks after those blogs and articles), and comment sites (like “who called me” for 1-800 #’s).  Somehow the Internet has become a cacophony of voices wanting to list each and

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Top 7 Tips for Week of 12/05/11

Networking is a habit cultivated to create opportunities throughout your career, not a one-off activity exclusively for the job search. Networking with others isn’t about you, but about the other person. Ask questions about their career and job search and see contacts increase. Follow up with those networking contacts, and don’t let the “holidays” excuse

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