
Image of people in front of giant resume trying to find information about candidate.

Using Graphics and Images on Resumes

Resume Writing Tip: Be careful utilizing images and graphics on your resume. While they may make your resume look great, they can impact its scan-ability in the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS). From hiding information that the scanning system needs to see (without you knowing it), to making the file so large the system cannot take […]

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Getting Constant Rejections in Your Job Search?

Assumptions that individuals make during a job search, particularly when it comes to rejections, are rarely true. We second guess ourselves because of perceived failure. Below, I offer a more accurate assessment of what is often occurring, and a few tips to overcome it when the issue is one you can rectify.  1) The organization interviews candidates

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What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume?

What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume?

I found the above picture yesterday in a search for graphics, and it immediately struck me as perfect for my article. While everyone writing their resume is doing so in earnest and with the best information they have, often the person writing it may have received bad resume advice from friends and family, used poorly

What is a Waste of Space, Unprofessional or Inappropriate on Your Resume? Read More »